Taiwan, East Asia


Relaxing before the dive.

Taking the big plunge, it's a bit choppy but the sooner your in the less chance you have of breaking your neck on the 'bucking bronco' of a boat As you can see from the smile on my face, I'm just thankful that I'm floating. That was all to change when I was told that they have black tipped reef sharks in the area.

Who you looking at clown boy? Ok we've all seen Nemo but I never realised that these fish always look moody as hell.

What is this you may ask? You can ask but you need to go and look it up.

Blue spotted stingray, this has to be one of the best and cheapest places to go diving in Asia.
If you can't tell, this is me in a wetsuit that was a bit too small.
Look at the Navy Seal!!
This is the Hornblower, an invaluable asset to the coral reefs. This tiny fish with a distinguished looking snout has spent the majority of its' life cleaning all those 'nooks and crannies'.
Looks like a pretty picture.
You know what, I'm not going to even pretend that I know the name of this fish. It's a fish. Wow, Look at the pretty colours!!!!